lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2013

Sorry Guys!

We made a plan to write two posts each  in our blog before the next session, but I shan’t be able to do my share, because I’m in the middle of moving out of a big flat into a smaller one. In fact, my new home is only a quarter of the size of my present one. So you see I have to pass everything else, even the numerous Quizlet-lists you have sent to all of us.  Luckily I have time to move till the end of the year. I guess you don’t really understand what I’m going through, unless you have experienced it yourselves. A fair warning to those who don’t know what I’m talking about: Don’t gather and store stuff!
Now you two ladies have to do your best and double your share. The world is full of interesting topics, and I’m sure we all like to read your articles.
Of course, I see you all towards the end of November. I wouldn’t miss it.

Wish me strength and tolerance!

This is a record-player I’ll definitely drag along and the pile of old records as well.

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